Originally Posted by Zeraph
pants/shorts I'll wear usually 3 or 4 times unless I've worked up a particular sweat. Shirts I usually change each workout unless I know it will be brief or the previous wasn't that sweaty. Mostly though I just go with how it feels, if it feels gross then I don't wear it. Smell has never been a problem as I seem to have a good natural scent.
You (as in us) have a good natural scent because you are unable to smell your own scent. You live with it and are used to it. And any sweat produces bacteria, which produces odor. Just think of yeast brewing...
The thing I don't get is how people work out and don't sweat. If your body doesn't heat up enough through activity and effort to sweat is that really working out?
Guess my last thought is how often people that don't change workout clothes change their underwear!!