Originally Posted by longbough
because he's a guy.
We guys will memorize things like the top speed of a Ferarri - even though most of us will never drive one. (j/k)
If I was that kid's father and saw how he was treating the TV and that XBox I got him for Christmas I'd do him a big personal favor for him and confiscate both of them ... seeing how upset they make him.
Oh I get videogames. They're not just a guy thing. I've had every system since the Sega Genesis. I even like first person shooters, though not the deathmatch stuff. I've spent several hundred hours on Diablo 2.
What I don't understand is continuing to play when you've reached that point of frustration where you're constantly cursing at the game. Save the game, go do something else, and come back later, geez. When it isn't fun anymore, why do it?