stevie accualy has a point. I have talked to few people who have had experience with steriods.
Properly use you do cycles. you cycle in and out of em. start slow build up then taper off and dont do them for a couple of months. what happens is you get big fast. but you lose it again. but say in your cycle you gain 5 pounds of muscle, then you cycle out and lose 3 of it. you still gained 2 pounds of muscle. a significant amount.
what gets alot of people and messes them up is this sentence "I can get bigger" and they dont cycle out. they just keep goin and goin. then eventually they get to the poaint where they are throwing rail road ties threw there girlfreinds car cuz she said his balls shrunk .
as far as cops doin riods? i think it shoudl be standard issue. preformance enhancing drugs for those who can accualy use them. who cares if a foot bal player can run a 4.4 40yrd, but it woudl be nice to have a cop who can out run some guy high on mescaline.