Originally Posted by Seeker
The Partner of a Cheater
I think it's how you want to deal with the situation. If you truly love somebody, you can forgive them (and by that I mean choose to work with them and through this problem) and help them face themselves. That is the ultimate act of love in my eyes. Just kicking someone to the curb because they cheated is lazy and selfish. You are more absorbed with what's been done to you rather than looking for a way for both of you to grow beyond the situation and resolve anything for real.
I would be hard pressed to think of anything more ridiculous. If someone cheats, you have no obligation to help them with anything. You were trying to be considerate, by sharing your life. But the cheater obviously doesn't find that good enough. Help them face themself? What a pile of crap. Dumping someone for cheating being lazy and selfish? I can't take this seriously whatsoever. All this seems like is a way of blaming the victim or wronged party. This is akin to a spousal abuser making the "you made me do it" claim. If you cheat, it is YOUR problem and if all your partner does is break up with you, you should count yourself lucky. I am hard pressed to think of anything more low than cheating on someone, if you are in a serious relationship.
Seriously, there is no defense, no justification. If you feel the need to cheat, either break up with your partner, or talk about the issues that make you feel that way. It's cowardly, low, and disgusting to do anything but.