Yeah, I didn't really mean to imply that war isn't a natural thing, hell, there has never been a time of universal peace anywhere. I meant the kind of violence you see in the movies and on tv. Close ups of exit wounds being formed and the looks on people's faces as they are stabbed. Even in the past when even more people were engaged in war, violence of this type was not seen by every man, woman, and child as it is now. That's not to say it has not been romanticized as entertainment. It always has! Consider the Illiad and the Odessy or many of the other novels and epics that have been told throughout all cultures. They all have some way to do with war. However, to see in this fine detail the effects of battle and violence is something new. Maybe it will do good to awaken people to the fact that war is not all glory and victory. In all honesty, I don't mind the gratuitous violence too much, but I do mind that sex and nudity is considered "wrong". But thanks for calling me ignorant, I appreciate it, really, I do.