Square didnt jump to MS... Square Enix is considering releasing FF13 on both the 360 and PS3... eh.. and while it has nothing to do with Square's decisions.. Sony owns like 20% or so of Square..
(besides, if development costs are so high, I doubt Sqeenix can manage two different developments of FF13 on two consoles and release at the same time... and since the console market in Japan is still strongly sony, and not so much MS... I think Square'll stick w/ PS3)
PS3's games however DO look better, the games lined up such as Tekken, Devil May Cry, MGS4, all are being developed by veteran and experienced developers.. so i have no doubt in their quality...
360 has Halo3, which no doubt will be amazing..(altho the fps thing might get a little old, if its just another Halo to Halo2 improvement of graphics)..
So i think imma save up and get a ps3 preordered

... Japanese developers seem to make games that I enjoy more.. and sports games will always be on all systems, and im not a big fan of console FPS'...
and from what i've read, the Revolution is expected to be around 200, and some articles listing the parts for the Revo show prices could even be as low as a 100!.. heh, I'll take one of them too.. the controller just seems so fun to try... imagice Madden's QB vision w/ that controller

btw- hehe its a good time to start getting those referrals done for freeps3's and stuff like that

I'm working on mine~.. anyone wanna sign up, pm me.. im not gonna post any links or anything