Originally Posted by Church
I was going to stay out of this, and I'm going to own all 3, so no fanboy here, but how can you say that PS3 is going to excel in gameplay? It has a system, and a controller. The 360 has a system, and a controller. And we haven't seen ANY gameplay graphics from the ps3 yet. Killzone was all cg, warhawk is all cg, so what are you basing this on? Hell, developers pulled out of the PS3 project because they can't seem to bring the cost of development down. Square moved the Microsoft, so what does the the ps3 have going for it over the 360 again?
WHAT?!?! Square went to Microsoft?! Damnit, I may have to eat my words. I was going off of the current XBox and PS2 comparisions. I felt that the XBox had no true gameplay just graphics, and this is just my opinion, but I thought the PS2 was way more revolutionary than the XBox. It's probably about a year or more too early for me to jump to these conclusions, but that's what is fun about making unfounded comments!
P.S. Say it isn't so Square, say it isn't so...