Originally Posted by host
You seem to have missed the point that the top priority of all Americans is to preserve the system of checks and balances that were designed into our contitution.
Looks like a typo - as I remember the last election, the top priority was definitely NOT to preserve checks and balances, it was to beat the other side even in a scorched earth scenario. Perhaps you meant to include the words "should be". Of course, this would still be only your opinion and not an established fact.
Originally Posted by host
Protest votes for third party candidates do not preserve checks and balances.
Host, your dismissal of third party alternatives as "protest votes" reminds me of the first four words of something I once read...
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Ghandi
Do you really believe that the Republican control over both houses of Congress and the White House is because of third party voters? I ask this honestly, not out of a disingenuous debating tactic. If you really think this, I'm sure you have reasons, and I'd appreciate a few links by PM so I can read up on it myself. Until then, I'll continue to think that the current political climate is due to the 2 parties that dominate the discourse, not the little guys who aren't even allowed to participate in the debates.