Originally Posted by xepherys
I disagree... I see a considerable difference between the two. I've also tended to vote Libertarian a lot in recent years (including voting for Badnarik). Libertarians are fairly centrist in many of their views... I'll give them that. This also brings up another point regarding American politicds that I've made elsewhere... people don't vote their conscience. If they did, we'd not likely have a two-party system. A two-party system is only slightly better than a one-party system. I voted for Badnarik because I thought he was the best candidate. I don't like Bush. I don't like Kerry. I wouldn't vote for one or the other JUST to try to keep the one out of office... that, IMHO, is the only truly wasted vote. I'd almost rather people NOT vote than vote out of "partisan obligation".
You seem to have missed the point that the top priority of all Americans is to preserve the system of checks and balances that were designed into our contitution. After five years of one party rule of the federal government, the only remnants of checks and balances that still attempt to preserve accountability are career justice department officials who are investigating and indicting lawbreakers in a methodical and non-partisan way.
Partisanship and the sharing of power that informed voters who vote in their actual best interests, promote, preserve the structure that does make America great. A congress that fails to investigate it's own ethics violations and the wrongdoing of the executive branch, and political appointments to high courts who are willing to rubber stamp gross violations to citizen rights, as in the Bush administation's deprivation of equal justice, under the law, of Jose Padilla, could only exist in a system distorted by one party rule.
The political system works best when the minority party is voted enough representation to hold the majority power accounable. This requires that at least one house of congress be controlled by the minority party. Protest votes for third party candidates do not preserve checks and balances.