Originally Posted by samcol
The centrists already get elected, I call them the democrats and republicans. Almost everything that is bad for America both parties vote for Iraq war, Patriot Act, massive budgets. There's nothing good about being in the center except for wishy washy voting that goes with whatevers popular at time.
That is not correct. Centrists are not wishy washy. They simply have views that do not align with the extreme aspects of either wing of political views. I am not wishy washy in my beliefs at all. I do, however, believe in some comproimses. I believe that the government is too involved in some societal programs (welfare) while not involved enough in others (education). I don't believe in large or small government... I believe in a government that is representative and supportive of its citizenry.
Originally Posted by charlatan
Sorry, I just want to be clear... did you just blame all racism (or the general prevelance of racism) on blacks? I just want to be clear.
No, I did not. That was an example of a place where the minority group does, however, have a tendancy to shed light upon themselves which is counter-productive to their intentions. It's not just blacks, and it's not just that example. Some racism is racism out of white ignorance or japanese hatred...
Originally Posted by highthief
I agree with that - there isn't that much difference between the 2 parties.
I would imagine that the Libertarians, if they could get a little more attention and star power behind them, might eventually have a shot at being a true politcal power in the US.
I disagree... I see a considerable difference between the two. I've also tended to vote Libertarian a lot in recent years (including voting for Badnarik). Libertarians are fairly centrist in many of their views... I'll give them that. This also brings up another point regarding American politicds that I've made elsewhere... people don't vote their conscience. If they did, we'd not likely have a two-party system. A two-party system is only slightly better than a one-party system. I voted for Badnarik because I thought he was the best candidate. I don't like Bush. I don't like Kerry. I wouldn't vote for one or the other JUST to try to keep the one out of office... that, IMHO, is the only truly wasted vote. I'd almost rather people NOT vote than vote out of "partisan obligation".