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Old 12-05-2005, 12:49 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I do not feel persecuted at all. In fact, I am very firm in my beliefs. It simply saddens me that so many on both ends of the spectrum fight for things that have nothing to do with making our country better, but rather things that just flesh out their "partisan" agendas. As for college campuses, the exmaples I've seen have come from reputable sources, books and news articles. I have not experienced it first hand, as my college experience ended in the late 90's, and most peopl, under a flourishing economy, were very happy to be pro-America. I've heard and/or seen enough examples, though, of political correctness causing freedom of speech and expression issues on college campuses acorss the country. Administrators are too afraid to let a middle-class, white Christian express his feelings on the terrorist acts of 9/11 to let it be really pushed (say in a rally or school news article) for fear that they will offend middle eastern students. Sure, this is not always the case, but it should NEVER be the case in academia. Expression and thought are what higher education is all about. In several other instances, students of ethnic decent (non-white) that SHOULD'VE been punished for acts commited in violation of actual laws have been let off for fear of causing a "racist" outcry. It's bullshit!

I'm not afriad of either positive or negative response to my beliefs. They are what they are. If someone disagrees, so be it. I suppose you are right in that I'd rather someone act out against my beliefs than be apathetic.

As I said, I'm looking for suggestions on pro-left, anti-right books as well. I do not consider myself part of the right at all. I think the right has a tremendous religious agenda that has no business in politics. I think that their general belief that ALL public assistance from the government is undeserved or generally a bad thing is also ridiculous. I am in no way bashing the left to hold up the right. I'm bashing both for trying to push the house down.

I do believe that political correctness is a serious threat to our society, probably in much the same way that the French feel foreign words are a threat to their culture. Our society is built on some certian basic principles. Pandering to the squeakiest wheel has NOT been one of them until recently. Lobbying hard as a group is one thing, whining that every little thing that doesn't go your way is racist or sexist is shite. Can anyone argue against that fact? Some black people DON'T want to be called African-American. Am I supposed to have people fill out a survey before I talk to them so I know how they prefer to be addressed? Also, note that this is American black culture. Blacks in England are not so ridiculously uptight about this shit. If that sounds racist... well it's not. It's just how things are. I grew up near Detroit. I've had black friends, I've known black families. A lot of them are just like any white family, or chinese family or indian family. They want to work and have things. They want to go to school, spend time with family, eat dinner and watch a movie. They want to go out with friends. They want to play some Xbox. The color of skin has nothing to do with it... it's the bullshit attitudes that people think they are entitled to have BECAUSE of the color of their skin that makes racism prevelant in today's America. *shrug*

Again, it's not a matter of the right or wrong thing... but people who openly bash everything that is American, our policies our attitude the fact that we have too much money or too much food or too much freedom or too much of anything else... well then why are they still here. I certianly wouldn't support legalized deportation of idiots who think this way... I just don't understand the concept of them staying when they are free to leave. It's not like Communist Russia in the 60s when you'd get shot before you'd be allowed to emigrate. People just like to bitch, I think... which is why I'd like to have some sort of ability to change things. I don't want to just bitch... I want to make progress.

It's not just attitudes or political correctness. It's also education, apathy, and people's generaly inability to be useful these days. I know historically there was a time not too long ago where the US educated some of the finest minds in science, business, et cetera. Do we still? If so, I've not encountered it much. Businesses are getting too greedy. Sure, in a capitalist society, that is certianly their right. But to outsource work, sell out to cheaper labor outside of the country... it's not good for the country they are getting rich in. It's sad is all. If we had more nationalistic pride (not to sound too socialist or anything) and a bit of patriotism, maybe things would be better. Why doesn't the government fund NASA more? Oh, because it has a huge inflated bloated payroll because of all the hand-shaking and back-scratch and ass-wiping that politicians do these days.

At any rate, I never said anything about deporting people I disagree with. That would be counter to my point. I just don't understand saying that the whole place sucks ass then staying put and doing nothing more than complaining. I, for one, don't think the whole place sucks. I love my country... I just don't like a LOT of my fellow countrymen (and countrywomen for those of you in the PC crowd). And i don't just want to bitch about it... which is why I asked for ideas at the beginning of the thread.
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