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Old 12-05-2005, 11:52 AM   #2 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Well, as someone living in the thick of "the left", I can say that I love the United States. I just have a different way of showing that love and supporting my country than other people, people on "the right" for example. Can you give specific examples of how political correctness is going to lead to a Roman-esque fall?

Allow me to break down something I found from the book "Why the Left Hates America"...
Myth #1: American women live under patriarchy
This book insinuates that the left is putting fourth an adgenda that states that women are still not considered to be socially equal. The author of "Why the Left Hates America" disagrees. Now, as someone who knows that equality is a never ending firhgt, let me share some things with eveyone.
-Women still only make 67 cents to one dollar that men make for doing the same job with the same qualifications in the US.
Does every woman in the US do a worse job than a man, thus deserving less money? Of course not. Statistics show that a woman can do just as well as a man if given comparable experience and education. Of course, women are not asked to only pay 76% of their rent or 76% of their grocery bills.
-Only 14 Senators are currently female, we've never had a female president
Myth # 2: America's the World's leading threat to the environment
We are.

The US contains 4% of the world's population but produces about 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions. By comparison, Britain emits 3% - about the same as India which has 15 times as many people.
The US pollutes more, absolutely and per head, than any other country (it also produces more wealth). Its greenhouse emissions have risen by more than 11% since 1990: its Kyoto commitment was to reduce them by 6%. It is the only country to have signed the protocol and then to have repudiated it. President Bush said in March the US would not ratify Kyoto, because he thought it could damage the US economy and because it does not yet require developing countries to cut their emissions. His domestic and foreign critics think the US will lose economically by staying aloof.
Myth # 3: America is a racist nation
Recent surveys indicate that 66% of whites and 71% of African-Americans support the ethnic profiling of people who look to be of middle-eastern descent.
-Approximately thirty-two million Americans, a number equivalent to the population of Canada, report they have already been victims of racial profiling.
-Approximately eighty-seven million Americans are at a high risk of being subjected to future racial profiling during their lifetime.
-Racial profiling directly affects Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Arab Americans, Persian Americans, American Muslims, many immigrants and visitors, and, under certain circumstances, white Americans.
-Racial profiling happens to both women and men, affects all age groups, is used against people from all socio-economic backgrounds, and occurs in rural, suburban, and urban areas.
-Racial profiling of citizens and visitors of Middle Eastern and South Asian descent, and others who appear to be from these areas or members of the Muslim and Sikh faiths, has substantially increased since September 11, 2001.
and later in the article...
Forty-six states do not ban racial profiling based on religion or religious appearance.
Thirty-five states do not ban racial profiling of pedestrians (and the majority of the fifteen states that do, use a definition of racial profiling that makes the ban virtually unenforceable in most circumstances).
The scope of Tennessee’s current racial profiling law is so limited that it only pertains to the conditions under which fingerprint records are obtained.
In June 2003, the Department of Justice issued its Guidance Regarding the Use of Race by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies forbidding racial profiling by federal law enforcement officials. Yet, the guidance does not cover profiling based on religion, religious appearance, or national origin; does not apply to state or local law enforcement agencies; does not include any enforcement mechanisms; does not specify punishment for violating officers/agencies; and contains a blanket exception for “national security” and “border integrity” cases. The Guidance is an advisory, and hence is not legally binding.
On February 27, 2001, President Bush said, “racial profiling is wrong” and promised to “end it in America.” Yet, almost four years later he has failed to support any federal legislative effort to eliminate racial profiling in the United States.
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