The America Fan Club
Alright, this has been something on my mind for a long time, and I'm looking for advice, banter and cheers of truthful joy.
I'd be interested in starting a very moderate, pro-America political activist group. My views have become increasingly centrist over the years, and looking back through history, the varying opinions to the left and the right have always balanced out rather well. Nowadays, however, the left is claiming territories on my freedom of speech and expression that I don't much care for. The right is claiming victory in campaigns against my civil rights that I'm also not a fan of. Since both sides are winning, I can truly see America starting to tear at the seems. The downfall of the Roman Empire (literally) started with just such political agendas. I believe that all good Americans need to band together to stop the bipartisan insanity and reform a better, stronger America that truly is in line with our roots.
I've been reading a lot of pro-right literature lately. "Why the Left Hates America" and "The 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America". They all make EXCELLENT points about the left, political correctness gone astray and the terrible crap that tromps around in our nation's academia these days. While I've yet to pick up any pro-left reading material, let me say that I plan to, and I will probably agree with much of it as well. Hence a moderate (I believe moderate would be the correct term here... maybe I'm wrong as it could be fundamental) centrist view and hopes.
This country has gone to the shitter rather rapidly form a social perspective lately. Political correctness for one has really entered into this scenario. Read "Why the Left Hates America" and you'll get several good exmaples in the first chapter about PC running amuck in college campuses across the country. Several have ended with public outcry that has remedied the situations, but the occurance itself is the concern. Sure, we're a melting pot. We have people from all of the world, with different backgrounds, skills, colors of skin. Why do we want so badly for everyone to be EXACTLY the same. We are not a clone army. We are a nation of variety. We should bask in that fact, rather than try to escape it like a pig from a slaughter house. If I am pro-America, and I say so on a college campus, and the Syrian exchange student feels threatened... well, that's on them. If I'm not threatening them, but speaking about the terrible aspects of terrorism and such, that should be my right. I also agree it is someone else's right to say "we deserved it", though I really think those people need to get the hell out of my country, even if they're natives.
Do I think America is perfect? Far from it, but the bullshit going on in the name of making our country better, is only making it worse, and slowly sapping the life from it.
What can we do? Seriously? Discussing it here is great, but it has no real effect on anything. I'd rather not have to leave to another country in 40 years because it's unsafe to live here anymore, either due to outside threats, or inside, government threats. It's becoming a scary place, and that horror is very well hidden from the public eye in many cases.