Some people who seem reticent, distant, and not-nice are actually just extremely shy and unsure. I mean, if you say hi to these people, they become extremely animated, extremely open, and will talk with you nicely whether short or long.
I know this is the case with many people I meet/see on college campuses. I have learned that, as a rule of thumb, I should always be the one initiating, engaging, and that if they engage back, great, if not, who cares. This way, I never leave people the impression that *I* ignore or give them the silent treatment, and that this way I can be the most social.
I have had discussions with a few peers, who have asked me what are the 'rules of social engagement'. I mean, one guy told me he didn't know whether he should say hi first or not, blah blah. Basically people are not sure themselves.