There is this romantic ideal where some girls want a guy to fight for them beyond reason. It's an archetype sold by movies, television, magazines, romance novels, etc... This is as unrealistic as the image of women sold to men by movies, telelvision, magazines, not so much romance novels, etc...
Now although I gain a great satisfaction out of being a classic, chivalrious sort of guy, I can only hold on to the mold so closely. In a culture that hardly refelcts that of fictional medieval Eurpoe, it's the best I can do to hold a door for a woman, clean up my language around them, and do my best to protect them from harm. And if my girl happened to be taken away by an evil Lord or dragon, I surely would fight for her. But do you remember looking fondly on the hero that would not give up his love after she willingly left him for the Dark Lord/ Dragon? That was always the misguided swoony poet-type, who we all hate.
The girl is mixed up if she wants him to fight. It seems like she is missing those romantic stereotypical behaviors that are so available from the man early on in the relationship and that she might be trying to artifically create a situation that would pull from the man some kind of heroic behavior that would sweep her off her feet. But the case is: she left willingly and a prolonged attempt to get her back would be pathetic.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."
Last edited by MEAD; 12-02-2005 at 10:21 AM..