It's true that animal abuse can indicate emotional problems in humans (both children and adults) but we can't jump to any conclusions about these kids. Is this the only time that these kids have done something like this? If it is, then we probably don't have anything to worry about. Especially since at least one of the children has shown remorse.
Is the bahaviour reprehensible? Yes. Does it make it any less reprehensible because it was a cat? No. The children were behaving like a lot of children do ... "let's see what happens if ..."
They made a very poor choice and a living creature suffered for it. Are they "little monsters?" Probably not ... although not knowing their background we can't say for certain.
Is the behaviour "normal?" Again, if it's an isolated incident then I'm content to say yes. Kids ARE mean ... I have a four year old daughter. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. However, I've seen her pinch our dogs ears until the dog starts to whine. I tell her that it, "hurts [the dogs] feelings and to stop." My daughter apologized to the dog and has never done it again. I've swatted her butt a couple of times ... nothing major. Just a reaction on my part to the increasing battle of the wills. She responds better to, "You've hurt my feelings."
Why did she do it? She's a kid. Is it reprehensible? Yes. Not as bad as torturing a cat to death ... but the indications are the same. She just wanted to see what would happen.
Teaching empathy is much more effective then physical punishment. You know, "how would you feel if ..."
Compassion and empathy are both learned traits. A 7 year old boy is probably a little young to expect much in the way of real compassion or empathy. Girls probably start a little earlier. You can see it in toddlers but it's sort of play-acting for them. Parents do have a responsibility to foster compassion and empathy in their kids ... hell, I'd go so far as saying all adults have this responsibility -- but I know that's not very realistic.
Physical punishment does not have to be brutal ... nor does it have to be degrading (although no matter how tempered a smack in the butt, it's always a little degrading).
<b>Frogza:</b> What can you tell us about the kids now that it's been a couple of days?