Why does Sigur Ros suck now?
Aegitis Byrnjum (sp?) was one of the best albums ever recorded. Every song was a masterpiece, with a wide dynamic range, actual verse-chorus structure, and amazing variety
() was not as good, as every song was very derivative of the last. Plus having nearly every song repeat that same damned lyric was annoying. Every song was slower than the previous album, and seemed to trade great melody and dynamics for "Icelandic atmospheric soundscapes"
Now we have Takk... , which despite repeated listenings, I find a monumental bore. The album is absolutely flatlined in dynamics...one long low energy snoozefest. It's almost as if the band is turning into what the critics have described them as: all ethereal and atmospheric and dreamy. While that was somewhat true in the first record, there were also great SONGS, which sadly have gone away.
This band held so much promise for me after I picked up AB, but I grow more and more disappointed with their recent efforts.
What do other Sigur Ros fans think?
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