Folks, have you ever been unsure about whether to post in TFP Sexuality or TFP Living? I have, but didn't think much of it until I started noticing a few people who weren't clear on where to post a "relationship" question. (And we all know how many of those "does he/she like me?" questions end up in sexuality, when there is no mention of hot, sordid sex in the whole OP... simply because there is no other place to post it!)
Not that I mind the current setup, but I am actually curious about how many members would like to see a separate forum for TFP Relationships. I am not a mod or anything close, just been around for most of this year and wanted to bounce the idea off people.
Mods, I hope I am not stepping on your toes, I am really just curious if there is any demand out there... and if so, can something be done about it? I'm not expecting much, since maybe it's just me... but I'm still curious.