Why did you start visiting the first one you did?
EverQuest.. the first real MMORPG I ever played, had a board for my server. It was fun bickering with the same people I'd see sometime in the game. It was also fun talking to the people on the board who I finally met in game.. it feel like we were long-lost strangers.. always talking on the board, but never actually seeing each other in person (in .. uhh avatar)..
What exactly stimulated you to start posting/browsing regularly?
Here or there? On the Server board, it was the discussion of stuff that was relevant to us all, playing on the same server. There was a way to organize raids, and it was fun to see what everyone else was doing on a given day.
Here, it's the diversity and intelligence of discussion. Clicking "New Posts" nets me stuff about sex, life, politics, computers, games, you name it. And USUALLY, the posters are intelligent and posting coherent replies.
What is it about TFP that keeps you coming back?
As above.
What draws you to any other boards you regularly visit?
Similar gaming interests.
Are you a lurker? Do you almost always feel motivated to give your opinion? Do you post about everything?
I almost always feel motivated to give my opinion, because its often well-thought-out, no matter my lack of direct experience in the matter.
What benefits have you gotten from being around message boards?
Cheap weapons in the video games I've played, entirely new philosophies on life and love, and a better understanding of myself. Specifically, I kept getting my posts deleted on the gaming forum because of my posts about my (then) asinine beliefs about women and gaming. After having my millionth post deleted, I started to realize that maybe it WAS a bad position to hold, and I'm the better becuase of it ..
so ya.. YAY TFP!!!!
EDIT: I forgot to add; the MOST important part of TFP for me is the "trust." Not trust in the conventional sense, but a trust that if I post a personal quesiton I won't get stupid-ass jerk responses. I'll usually get some empathetic responses, some pyschological responses, but always PRODUCTIVE and POSITIVE responses. This position sways a little bit in the politics forum, but for the most part.. I *trust* TFP to always have intelligent, mature conversation and I trust the readers to not abuse that transfer of information.