Originally Posted by Derwood
I'd take 13 good 3 minute songs ay day over 13 drawn out 6 minute songs. Compare "Mesmerize" to "St. Anger". Would Metallica's album have been better if each song was about 2 minuts shorter? I say yes.
C'mon now. You and I both know the only thing that would've saved St. Anger is if the entire band had been replaced just prior to the songwriting process. Twice, just to make sure the first replacements were contaminated by the hacks they were replacing.
Actually, scratch that. There is nothing that could've saved St. Anger. That album was doomed from conception to release. I'm tempted to say that if one could somehow restore Metallica to their Black glory days it would've made it better, but that's not true since Black era Metallica would've smacked anyone who suggested they record an album like St. Anger very firmly upside the head.