Giving Thanks
Well -- Happy Turkey Day everyone... in an effort to get me out of my crabbiness (I wanna reserve that for tomorow) I figgered it'd be a good time to mention what we're thankful for... (Yes, I'm a dork!! )
I'm making lemonade out of lemons.. It's snowing like a banchee out today and I really do not like snow... But -- I'm thankful that I live ont he first floor and could open my window and grab a bowlful of snow. I'm also thankful that I have new hampshire maple syrup in the cabinet and the ability to heat it up. I'm thankful that I really do love Sugar on Snow.. and it was as tasty as I remember.
So what's got you giving thanks today? Spending time with friends? A new pair of shoes on your feet? A well stocked liquor cabinet? Be thankful...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.