Why did you start visiting the first one you did?
I can't remember the first one EVER. I think the first one I ever joined was because it was about a show I liked watching
What exactly stimulated you to start posting/browsing regularly?
Over time, the show ended, but the community was friendly so I stuck around to chat with the community
What is it about TFP that keeps you coming back?
The community, the intelligent conversations, the not so intelligent conversations
, and did I mention the community?
Oh, that and the titty board
What draws you to any other boards you regularly visit?
Community and discussion. I left a board that I used to frequently visit because the discussion became repetitive because of all the new people joining the board.
Are you a lurker? Do you almost always feel motivated to give your opinion? Do you post about everything?
I'm posting now aren't I? So I guess i'm not a lurker. However, I was when I first joined because I was intimidated by the intelligent conversation.
Now my goal is to simply not look retarded while throwing my opinion out there once in a while.
What benefits have you gotten from being around message boards?
Advice, lots of it. Just look at all the threads i've started. They're pretty much "how to do _____?"