Originally Posted by MEAD
You don't have feelings for your Ex you have feelings for love. You miss the feeling of being in love, not her. You've got to separate the two from each other. That could be hard since she is probabaly the rule by which you define being in love, but you still need to realize that you are capable of having this kind of realtionship with a new person. It is just a rare thing (how valuable would it be if you fell in love with every girl you dated?). Just keep dating. If you want to find that quickly then everytime you want to give it up you have to kick yourself in the ass and keep going. But it wouldnt be a bad idea to just slow down and take the pressure off being with someone and learn to be happy with yourself (women will find that attractive anyhow). Nothing more I can say than just have faith it will work out.
Its not that I'm unhappy with myself... and I understand what you're saying about missing being in love. Some days I have those moments where I am blindly and joyfully optimistic that I'll find someone awesome, eventually, but then I'm not really meeting that many new girls, or any that want to jump into my interests/close circle of friends, so reality kicks me in the face. I really don't want to end up single for the rest of the time I'm at college, dating girls I'm only half interested in or whom I know I don't ever want too commit any further to.
For the past 2 months I really haven't gone on any dates or looked, just kind of done my own thing and tried to be positive, and I keep hearing that when you quit looking you'll find it, and thats how I found my ex, she just kind of fell into my lap, but I don't quite expect that to happen again...