I had someone very close to me go through something similar.. Well actually we all, in a very obscure way, find ourselves in this place at some point in our lives. I was there a little over two years ago, with a guy I had been with for a very short time.. Anyway dont try so hard to find something else.. It'll happen if you let it. I know that sounds overly naive and optimistic but oddly things do work out that way.
She hadn't talked to you in that amount of time and excluded you out of her life--count that as closure.
"This makes me feel like while she still has strong feelings for me, she just wants to move on because she believes we're incompatible, and interacting me, or seeing me would cause her emotions to stir and she doesn't want that." this is rarely ever the case..unless you wronged her, there would be no reason for her to leave if she loved you that much..At that, if she still loved you at the time she left, she wouldn't have left in the first place -- least not without a valid reason...
There are a lot of people who are into what you would be into, but maybe if you broadened your view a bit, and not filtered so much, the one you could potentially be with just might be under your nose...
time can certainly heal all things, but it's love that makes you whole again.