Originally Posted by filtherton
Someday i might even be as proficient as you. I'd have to be able to somehow work an insinuation of socialism as mental disorder into a post about how all the people who don't agree with me are just so unreasonable.
Since when does acknowledging the fact that u.s. history is filled with just as many atrocities as anyone else's somehow amount to a condemnation? I live in america. I like it in america. I was just trying to point out, to anyone with a simple mind, that all humans are capable of being stupid fucking assholes. Yes, ustwo, that even means americans.
Sorry Filthy but moral relativism doesn't wash here. You just wanted to say 'well the US did bad stuff too ya know!' which is an interesting way to excuse such behavior in the muslim world right now.
I'm sure it lets you comfortably ignore it when you give your tacit support for regimes like Saddam's Iraq or Iran, since, you see, we are just as bad.
Originally Posted by powerclown
Out of all the societies in the world, I wonder what motivated you to threadjack bring up the atrocities of American history?
Because no one expects the French to fight for a free world