Originally Posted by 3zos
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. maybe, just maybe (im no marketing genius), if you didnt put kitchen/arrested in the monday night time slot, along with the FUCKING BASEBALL PLAYOFFS, not play it for three weeks, then give it no advertising, YOU WOULDNT RUN IN TO THIS PROBLEM. but by all means, keep nightstalkers on, that show is infinitely better.
fucking idiots.
I heard an interview with the show's creator/head writer on Public Radio a while back. He said basicly Fox wasn't spending any money at all to actually promote the show but instead Fox was using that money to pay for better writting, props, etc. He seemed pretty happy with the setup at the time. I wonder if he's having second thoughts now.
To bad Fox is going to cancel one of the best to come down the turnpike in a long time all because of ratings. I guess it's timet to add the fourth notch to my list of cancelled Fox shows I liked: Sliders, John Doe, Firefly & now Arrested Development. I'd include Family Guy on this list but they're back on the air now.