Please bear with me..:
I had recently ridden the greyhound for a 5hr trip back home, and Iam very unfamiliar with the proper etiquette of bus riding. Anyways, I asked this very cute gentleman if I could pop-a-squat next to him, since seats were quite sparse. He politely said yes, and as I got myself a piece of gum, I offered one to him as well. He said "no thanks". So, the only words we he said to me was "yes" and "no thanks" for a whole 5hrs. He stuck to his scenery by the window, and I, to my book. I wanted desperately to talk to him, he was very cute and I wanted to get to know him better. Though, he didnt really seem to want to talk to me.
Q:1.Was he as shy as I was, or was he just generally not intrested in talking to a stranger?
I was also afraid to fall asleep on his shoulder, or my head would loll around a lot when Im in a car. My guy friends said he wouldnt've minded at all, and probably would've liked that. They said it was a general thing that no guy would resist a girl sleeping on their shoulder. Are they right?
Q: 2. Would a guy mind if a girl slept on their shoulder for 5hrs? Or just find it annoying?