Originally Posted by hrandani
You're spot on as far as my personal prejudicies, and I'm not talking about the legality, but the morality, of the situation.
In tha case I partially agree with you.
Originally Posted by hrandani
I may be exaggerating a bit in some of my claims, and while I agree with you, willravel, there's a definite but sometimes elusive point at which you cross the line. Most people don't have a problem with a guy subtly inducing a girl into various stages of inebriation in order to ascertain a more certain possibility of sex, but most people would also have a problem with the same situation, except slipping certain chemicals in one of said beverages.
Morally, this is at least questionable. You have to remember, this guy will not be able to detect a womans 'heat' mechanically unless he has excelt resources and finances. If I were a betting man, I'd say this idea starts and ends with this thread. Because I believe that to be the case, I see this as no different than watching porn, as far as morality is concerned.