There is a difference in degrees. Just as MIT is more prestigious than East LA City College, most top tier American institutions will beat out schools in most any other country. Now this is just personal experience, but I have never dealt with someone who was completely educated in an outsourcing (india, pakistan, Turkey, etc.) country that was anywhere near as competent as anyone that I went to college with. I've dealt with outsourced engineers, customer service, tech support, you name it. The people that I know from these countries that are for the most part American educated, I have never had a problem with. This might make me nationalist, but not racist.
Of course, this is only a tiny percantage of people from India, no more so than true racists in America probably, but I've never seen as much outright racism as from people that were in an upper caste in India. I've known parents that broke up their daughter's engagement with a friend of mine (with a PHD) because he was lower caste. I've seen people say that all of the lower caste people deserve to be poor because they're more stupid and lazy and ugly. People that would shower immediately if anyone "lower" touched them. These kinds of things come from otherwise reasonable people.