Originally Posted by :::OshnSoul:::
Scientists in the recent years have discovered how everything is made of energy. They have run into solid evidence with test upon test. To me, its a simple realization- energy binds, energy connects, energy moves, and it can be manipulated- but never destroyed. The faster it is moving, the more "solid" it becomes.
bold empahsis added]
The bolded point above needs a bit of clarity. As Einstein noted in his famous equation (E=mc˛), matter and energy are interchangeable. What is the underlying difference between the two then?
In essence, matter is simply
frozen energy. Until about 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe was too hot, compact, and energetic to allow energy to transform into matter. As the universe expanded it also cooled, allowing less energetic and slower moving particles to bind together and form simple elements such as hydrogen, helium, lithium, and deuterium (heavy hydrogen). These initial bound elements are the foundation of all baryonic matter. One can also reverse this de-energizing process by simply re-energizing matter. Thus, one may say that matter is simply energy in its rest state.