Originally Posted by joemc91
It really depends WHY you miss the flight. If you really missed it because you were running late, had an emergency, etc. they will generally work with you and get you on a later flight. However, if you admit to working the system, they will work you back. Often in the contract is something saying that if you skip a portion of a trip (say buy a ticket through a hub but get off at the hub), they can cancel the rest of your trip (including return) and charge you for the walk up ticket price of the one way ticket to the hub. It's very rare that airlines will enforce this.
I don't understand why they should do this. Why do they care if you get off at the hub if you already paid for the whole trip. You paid for the seat whether you are sitting in it or not so they already got their money. I could understand them cancelling your return trip and refunding that portion your money but I don't think that is what is happening here. In fact aren't many of these rates based on a no-cancellation option?
In the case of the OP, they just want to miss one leg of the flight itinerary which means that one of the flights will go with an empty paid for seat. How does this hurt the carrier?