I'm not going to start with my traumatic childhood stories. I think that comparing one person's experiences to another is a recipe for disaster (and hard feelings).
There are a few things here that resonate with me:
1. The kid was fucking up, and instead of a beating they got this.
2. The mother stayed with the kid at the side of the road. That alone speaks to the character of the parent.
3. It was only an hour.
4. Some ass-hat decides to call the cops and report "Psychological Abuse". What kind of utopia do you live in where you get involved in other people's business like this? What kind of utopia do you live in where the cops have time to investigate a report like this?
The daughter will thank the mother for doing this. Not next week, but on the daughter's 40th or 50th birthday.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.