Originally Posted by asaris
I don't know. For a variety of reasons, some personal and some philosophical, I have to think of God as a person (actually, for theological reasons, I have to think of Him as three persons, but that's neither here or there). Among other things, it doesn't seem to me like a non-personal deity would be worthy of worship.
If were going that route, then I don't see it as much different than worshiping an animal or plant for giving it's life to feed you. If Gos is all things, then thanking him for existing and creating us would function to remind us how precious reality truely is. It is a matter of placing great significance on EVERYTHING.
Also, many religions say that a part of God or God him/herself exists inside of all people and all things. This would seemingly coincide with this theory, as matter and energy have a reationship (non-exculusive, last time I checked).
Nezmot, if we are all made up of parts of God, than wouldn't His concern for us also be his concern for Himself?
I'm going to go have some grapes knowing full well they may be a part of God.