Science and God.....related?
For some reason all my life I have been drawn to the fascinations of science. Everything about it- from biology, to astronomy, to physics. It made me think- made me wonder....and *feel* of a lot more that was there or yet to be discovered. Things without words are the most powerful and truth-binding.
Scientists in the recent years have discovered how everything is made of energy. They have run into solid evidence with test upon test. To me, its a simple realization- energy binds, energy connects, energy moves, and it can be manipulated- but never destroyed. The faster it is moving, the more "solid" it becomes.
Energy can do and already DOES so much. It affects climates, moods, weather, and we can apply it to everything in existance. Driving, flying, walking, electricity, even thinking- yes, thinking.
And energy acts on how it is manipulated. And how is energy manipulated? By humans. We make electricity happen, we affect the climate with pollutants, we pick something up or move it, we can generate a thought and bring action from it.
All results are created by the generation of thought- which is the most powerful source of energy.
Can we see God as not a being, but a source? The source? That binds, connects, and moves, and manipulates? All because of us? Because we have the will of using it in any way?
Why do we beleive that God has to be A Form of Being.....when we could consider God as ALL forms of Being?