Originally Posted by Shauk
did I ever say that "drugs are bad" ?
no. What i said was, I don't like it being a negative stigma on the music that I like, because people continually choose to be fuckups and get wasted at these events.
I don't care what people do in the privacy of thier own home, it doesn't concern me. As long as they aren't violating another persons rights, its that grey area to me, its hardly black and white.
so don't put words into my mouth.
The problem i have is that when i say something like "well it was your choice to deal drugs and you damn well knew the risks associated to that action, dont come here and cry about it when you get caught and expect sympathy from me" that the game thing is thrown at me like some retarded banana.
If drugs were legal, I'd have no reason to say anything like that. Facts are facts.
Lets not play hypotheticals here with video games being illegal, lets face it, you know it will never happen, it falls under the category of free speech and expression, like movies, games, books, music, and any form of visual/audio media. certain groups may try to restrict the sale to minors, but thats about all they can do. Its not even similar.
*double sigh*
I'm not putting words in your mouth. You may have taken it that way.
In a normal conversation people are allowed to ask questions and formulate hypothesis. I didn't realize that I wasn't allowed to do that in a conversation with you.
The "hypotheticals" (as you call them) are there as a way for me to get to know your angle. They are legitimate questions. I wanted to know if your problem with the drug scene was one of personal experience or just because drugs are illegal. The question I had for you (although veiled) was something along the lines of "Are you saying that drugs are bad (at raves) because they are illegal or because you don't like them." I didn't want to come out and ask that because the answers to the hypotheticals are always much more interesting than answers to blunt questions.
You did go on to clarify your question though.
Of course, you're exactly right video games (writing, selling, playing) in no way compares with doing drugs (legally or illegally) ... is that what I was supposed to say in the first place instead of trying to have my own opinion?