The problem here is that you're trying to reduce it to black and white. Pharmacists on the one hand and drug addict on the other. There are more people who use drugs recreationally WITHOUT being addicted than there are addicts. Pharmacists get busted for dealing drugs illegally too ...
Same for video games. More people play video games for a normal amount of time (whatever that is) than sit for 15 hours straight and play the games. No one gets arrested for writing a game illegally. However, people have probably gotten busted for copying or distributing games illegally ... but that's a different story.
But I guess all that's beside the point.
As far as the hypocrisy argument goes ... I'm not sure there's even an argument here. You have the opinion that "drugs are bad." Would you still have the same opinion if drugs were completely legal? What if video games were outlawed? Would you still want to create them?
Last edited by vanblah; 11-14-2005 at 08:30 AM..