Oh gosh, this is going to sound preachy....my apologies in advance......but you should do nice things for people regardless of whether they appreciate it or do nice things for you. The point is to do those things because they are right. What you did was a good thing to do. Period. If this person (or his wife) is in need again and you can help, do it.
I am not a Christian. I state this not because I take issue with that or any other faith. I do not. I say it simply because it bears on my feelings about why we do good things. We do good things for selfish reasons. Not in a bad sense, but in the sense that we do....or should do.....good things because we take satisfaction in knowing that we have done something good.
So this fellow didn't and doesn't see it as his duty to repay you or "return the favor". So what. Let it go. You gave freely and got something in return, even if it was only satisfaction. Don't give that up because he can't....or won't.....be as generous. He is the one missing out.
(Steps off soapbox and humbly apologizes for waxing philosophic.)