Many women, as many men, do not want to simply keep being "the girl/boyfriend" for forever. Inasmuch as the marriage itself is largely ceremonial and symbollic, the simple titles of husband and wife hold with them, in many societies, a much higher notion of importance and emotional symbollism, as well as a greater respect for the status of the "couple". Basically, just by having the ceremony or signing the piece of paper, you're publicly stating that, yes, this person is my love/partner/whatever for forever. Until then, you're just two people who may or may not live together, are most likely bumping uglies (having sex), and who are seen together all the time. Not nearly as much respect or recognition is given to people who are just "a couple".
For me, when I find the woman I love and want to spend eternity with, I'll want everyone and their brother to know about it. I'll be legally married, have a wife, no kids, and life will be good. Love will be mine, and we will be happy together as equals, friends, lovers, etc. I will see no need to just "be"- I will want it recorded, announced, celebrated, and noted by all.
So, for me, at the exact moment that enough time, thought, etc., have been put into it, the question is getting asked. I would see no reason to keep a simple "relationship" from becoming a "marriage" for any more time than is necessary for me to know she's "the one".