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Old 11-11-2005, 10:54 PM   #15 (permalink)
Originally Posted by la petite moi
The point of college is not just to socialise and get laid- it's to do well in school and perhaps come out a little smarter (unlike the dumbasses who drink every night and don't study). You'll be the one partying it up with tons of money when you're older, while those other guys are struggling at some fast food joint.
I hope so. But while there are alot of them that study no-so-good majors, alot are in stuff like business, which I think in fact lets them make even more money than I will (an engineer... suprise?!).

Originally Posted by politicophile
It sounds like you have number 1 down at this point, and that is by far the most important. I suggest you just join a few clubs that interest you. Don't go crazy and get involved in 20 different things, as this will damage your prospects of getting all A's. However, I don't think 3 or 4 clubs would be unreasonable.

Also, don't try too hard to make friends: it happens naturally when you're around people with the same interests as you. Just join a few clubs and act natural: you'll do fine!
Thanks, I certainly hope so! I think I'm just gonna say 'screw it, I don't care if I'm old and only got one semester, gonna make the best of it', and just join and have as much fun as possible

Originally Posted by Siege
Just remember. You're college/university life is usually around 4-10 years. The rest of your life is way longer. You can party more if you have the means to do so in the future.
But I don't want to miss out on college parties/fun. Because, well, lets face it, its the best time I get to meet many girls at once, and aren't college parties the funnest? Older-people parties are dryer, less crazy, and generally more boring is my impression.

Originally Posted by Rodney
There's a difference between not-being-able-to-multi-task, and setting a goal and focusing in on it. You don't say what your degree is, but if it's in science or engineering, getting all "A's" can be pretty damned difficult. It would take as much effort as you seem to have put into it. And it would take a limited social life. There's probably no way you could have "multi-tasked" yourself to this result.
Yes, it was pretty hard, and I know that had I not gone my own hardcore mode I could not have achieved my goals. To be specific, yes, my major is electrical engineering.

Originally Posted by Rodney
Maybe you regret your goal now, but you set it and achieved it. Not only are you going to look really good on the job market and when shopping for grad schools -- you _actually_ know all the material. You learned. You're going to the grad school of your choice, I betcha. Some of your buddies may not do so well.
Thanks! I certainly hope so. The process didn't stop once I got into a good college, it just kept going on... so yeah, I'm pretty darn tired from so much work!

Originally Posted by Rodney
Once you're out in the world, you will find employers who will be very happy to hire a young man like you to responsible and interesting jobs _because_ of your ability to focus maniacally on a goal. And it will come in handy in crunch situations. But at that point you _will_ have to learn to balance work and other factors in your life, or you won't have a life to keep your factors in :-).
Yes, that is a very good point about having to learn to balance down the road anyways. So I might as well start now...

Originally Posted by Mantus
If so, please remember that no matter how good your grades are and how qualified you may be, if some one makes friends with the boss they will get your job! Social skills are KEY not just to success but to a happy life because, face it, we measure ourselves based on other people's opinions. It's very hard to find out who you trully are without assistance from others.
Yes, definitely these are great points. I have noticed that no matter what, whoever I personally interact with (aka classmates) I always like the ones who are the best talkers, smoothest talkers, funny talkers, not the quiet super smart ones. Although of course I am friends with them too.

Originally Posted by Mantus
Also, social skills grow or shrink exponentially. Don't fool yourself by thinking "oh when I get out of college I'll become social". It simply doesn't work that way. You have allot to catch up on. I sugest you start now, but pace yourself. Don't expect to go to a party and have fun. It takes social skills to have fun at events, otherwise you end up sitting in a corner bored and frusturated.
Great advice! My bro told me the same thing, that if I'm "becoming social now" I'm probably only deluding myself into it because I know that grades this year won't matter much for grad school anyways. It takes alot more 'change' to change, not just one year of socializing then clamming up again in grad school like I used to...

Originally Posted by FngKestrel
There's also something else to note here. You've been working so hard and then realizing that there's more out there than just grades and now have a final year to rectify that. It sounds vaguely like the way people experience mid-life crises. It's good that you realize it now and want to change it. Make sure you remember that as you start your career. Balance.

The short answer, watch "Real Genius" starring Val Kilmer. There's a parallel (aside from the orbital laser).

And relax...
Thanks! Although balance would have been good before, I don't know if I could have done as well without such unbalance But yeah, I'm ready to just 'balance' and stop putting down one part of my life for another.

Originally Posted by Justsomeguy
My social life died at high school. Definitely can relate to you. For the past four years, I have studying hard to maintain a very high GPA and spent about 8 months studying for the MCAT. It pays off in the long run.

However, don't let it get you down. By doing what you did, you made a statement: you will go beyond. Most people will be satisfied with a mediocre life. You've set higher standards. Be proud. Chicks dig smart, rich men. Your time will come very soon.
Thanks for the encouragement At my school the majors that work their butt off in addition to us engineers are the premed / molecular cell biologists. I definitely understand how hard you had to work too. Best of luck for med school, I hope you'll get into a great one!

Originally Posted by Sultana
Mantus speaks the truth.

Keep in mind that socializing is a skill, and not one you want to neglect until it becomes very important to you. 'Cause then you'll be all rusty, and frustrated. Seek balance, and start now. Success in life is not measured by your grades, and good grades do not mean you'll get what you want. They are a very dry skeleton to hang a life on.
I understand what you and Mantus mean. While good grades are a priority, I'm ready to start balancing out the other parts of my life: aka socially. From my own personal experience, the great socializers with not as good GPA's but who are also engineers tend to land just as good if not better jobs, alot of the time not a technical job but a more business-manager job. So social skills are just as important as good GPA...

Thanks for all the great advice and encourgement, everyone. I was feeling really down but you guys have made me see more clearly, and I feel much better Thanks!!
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