Originally Posted by match000
In fact, that's one of my problems: an inability to prioritize or multitask. If I want A's, then I have to go extreme and study hardcore. I put off all my possible social activities in order to study (and this is why now in senior year I have very few good friends I guess). I realy need to learn multitasking and prioritizing...
There's a difference between not-being-able-to-multi-task, and setting a goal and focusing in on it. You don't say what your degree is, but if it's in science or engineering, getting all "A's" can be pretty damned difficult. It would take as much effort as you seem to have put into it. And it would take a limited social life. There's probably no way you could have "multi-tasked" yourself to this result. (Unless you're spending three hours a day goofing off the Internet, and then I'd say, "STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD!" with a big bullhorn. )
Maybe you regret your goal now, but you set it and achieved it. Not only are you going to look really good on the job market and when shopping for grad schools -- you _actually_ know all the material. You learned. You're going to the grad school of your choice, I betcha. Some of your buddies may not do so well.
Once you're out in the world, you will find employers who will be very happy to hire a young man like you to responsible and interesting jobs _because_ of your ability to focus maniacally on a goal. And it will come in handy in crunch situations. But at that point you _will_ have to learn to balance work and other factors in your life, or you won't have a life to keep your factors in :-).