Originally Posted by maleficent
What exactly is normal? You are who you are... and there's nothing at all wrong with that...
Getting all As is something to be proud of. there are people who spent their college career slacking off and perhaps wondering if they might graduate at all, you went to college with a purpose, to get a degree, you're doing that.
To be honest, it's weird to have such an aim as a freshman but my reason was because I wanted to get into as best a grad school I could. Of course, it helps alot for jobs too...
Originally Posted by maleficent
You have a few good friends, and that's more than a lot of people have...
Yes, you're right. I am appreciative of my good friends. And I guess I should be happy knowing that they're there to help me or support me..
Originally Posted by maleficent
You've got another semester left in college? Get out and do something if you want to change that... Put those As to good use and volunteer (or charge) your services (to cute freshman girls) for tutoring.
Thanks for the suggestions. I should give volunteering, of any kind, alot more thought.
Regarding clubs, it's just that I've been thinking how weird it would be to join a club in the last semester at college. I mean, for one thing, alot of them are full of freshmen, who haven't found their 'niche', not seniors who haven't found their 'niche'.
Originally Posted by pandafaye
You're not alone, I assure you. My experience in college has been much of the same (except I can't manage to get A's... damn). People who tell you that you will make the best friends you ever had in college are the same people who tell you high school will be the best time of your life... In short, they don't know what the hell they're talking about. College is just the beginning. You've got plenty of time to date and make meaningful friendships. I promise.
Thanks, I hope you're right. It's just that every era in life is different, and I feel like I missed out on the college era (just like I did in highschool... surprise surprise). Even grad school will be totally different.
Originally Posted by pandafaye
Keep this in mind as well: because you were surfing the web, you found us. That's not all bad, is it? =)
Nope! You guys are great
Actually, originally I found this forum through fark.com through their boobies links
Originally Posted by Pragma
I wish I'd been able to get all As, but instead my freshman year I tried to have fun, party, and play lots of video games. And I nearly failed out and was on academic warning, then academic probation, and despite being on the dean's list last semester (for the first time ever), my overall GPA is still a 2.54. I'd say the As will be much more valuable than "fun college stories," as I' getting turned down for jobs because I don't have a 3.0 GPA.
Sorry to hear about your first semesters. But really, what matters is how you do in your upper-level classes, and that your overall GPA trend is upwards. Which you have!
Actually I got some B's in freshman year too... and you're right, it was because I was having fun hanging-out more in dorms. But right after freshman year once I moved out of dorms, what 'social' life I had just went downhill..
Originally Posted by Pragma
I'm not saying "don't have fun", but the point I'm trying to get across is "don't get down on yourself because you haven't had fun in the past." Do something Mal suggested (as she's always full of good ideas), go join a club, go tutor freshman girls in biology, but don't let the fact you haven't done those in the past hold you back.
You hit it on the head, I guess because you are also currently a senior. I am afraid to do more such as join clubs *because* I am a senior, and haven't done those in the past. I should just get over it and make the best out of what time I have left. Thanks!
Originally Posted by florida0214
Just get out more. i am sure people who finish top of their class tend to live similar college lives and they seem to turn out fine. you can always buy friends when get rich. Well if you actually do get rich friends will find you. And lets face it most people go to college in the hopes of getting a good job and making more money.
But those are the friends I don't want to have, the ones who find me when/if I'm rich... or the ones I would have to 'buy'. But I know, you're just exagerrating
Originally Posted by florida0214
Don't beat your self up, but do prioritize. there are people who can study only a little and pull A's, therefore these people can party and still make pretty good grades. If you are one of those guys, then get off your butt and out of the library and into some hawt Co-ed. If top grades are important to you and you have to study 24/7 to get them, then the social life may not be very important to you. there is nothing wrong with it and there is really no "normal" college lifestyle, only experiances. Life is a series of events held together by time. Nothing more. You'll live just prioritize.
Yep, you hit it on the head. One of the reasons why I couldn't socialize or afford to was because I am the "must-study-all-day-to-get-A's" type.
In fact, that's one of my problems: an inability to prioritize or multitask. If I want A's, then I have to go extreme and study hardcore. I put off all my possible social activities in order to study (and this is why now in senior year I have very few good friends I guess). I realy need to learn multitasking and prioritizing...