Originally Posted by veruca
I am not really embarrassed, just sad. I was so "careful"....I have slept with 4 people in my life...4!!!! I picked so carefully who I would share my body with, because I never wanted this to happen. It just goes to show you that you can't be "too careful" and with Herpes even condom use isn't 100%. So, be wary ladies...it happens to the best of us.
there is no reason for you to be embarassed... this is a disease you picked up... and I'm sorry you're sad...
and you're absolutely right.. .no matter how careful you are... you honestly don't know... it's even worse that you used condoms and it didn't help. All it takes is one infected person to pass on this disease.
(this could be an afterschool special on how there really is no such thing as safe sex)