well, ladies. I have returned.
I have "THE HERPES" *cue scary music*
So, my episode 6 years ago, was my initial reaction. He finds it odd that I have had no other break outs in 6 years, but it's possible they were internal or so mild, that I mistook it for an ingrown hair or something. I am positive this is the first real outbreak I have seen since the big one, so it looks like lucky me got a very dormant strain, and I hope it stays that way. The bumps are far from pleasant.
He gave me the usual medications, and my husband has to go get blood work to see if it's sitting in his system since he has never had an outbreak.
At least I have my answers. blah. Thanks for your support ladies! :hug:
How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one