In this may consider writting down what you feel, and try....Dare I say it......Snail Mail. It sounds as if you would really like this to work, and from experience I will tell you now, starting Long Distance is one hell of a lot of work. More importantly,it takes away part of the very personal aspect of creating a loving relationship. You will only have ONE (1) beginning to this .....dont rush it, and dont be ruined by the Tingle in your spine.
There is nothing wrong with allowing emotions to grow slowly, and "Using" the experiences that occur in the Build Up Time to make the underlying bond stronger, before becoming a couple. In fact, I have found patience to be the #1 key, to allowing someone to Love you.
Just My Take
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha