Originally Posted by Elphaba
Obie, in my state they were called "Blue Laws" - I suspect "blue noses" might be part of the reference. Businesses could not open on the sabbath, and later businesses of ill repute such as the sale of demon alcohol.
Texas, by county, still has many blue laws including "wet" counties that won't sell beer on Sunday.
Hrm, thats walking a mighty fine line there.
Originally enacted to allow observation of Sunday as a Sabbath, blue laws have come under attack as violating the separation of church and state. The courts, however, have upheld most blue laws, on the basis that their observance has become secular and promotes Sunday as a day of rest and relaxation.
This confuses me even further. Why elimiante the ability to purchase legal relaxation/rest/enjoyment aides on a day of relaxation/rest. This "newly" secular nature of the day of rest should call for the allowance of such things, not the restriction.