Originally Posted by politicophile
I would like to take this brief moment to thank the men and women who died so that I was able to cast a ballot today. I am very appreciative of the benefits I receive from living in a republic.
I guess if I haven't yet convinced the reader that voting is important... well, every time you don't vote, you increase the influence of my vote, so I'll stop complaining now... 
You didn't need to convince me of anything, not once did i say that voting was not important. You should reread my posts. I guess i didn't make myself clear.
I was simply stating that not voting can be just as powerful as voting, if not more-so. You, apparently, do not agree. You are free to do so.
I'm sure the members of my family who fought and died for your freedom would appreciate your thanks.
Edit: removed a comment that wasn't worth the bullshit that it would recieve. The rest is ok tho.