Originally Posted by Slyboots
Well in cali, we are trying to stop the govenator to stop stealing money for our school...
Damn skippy. He needs to be stopped before he can do any more damage. Shame on everyone who voted for him, despite I think it's everyone's God given right to vote.
Originally Posted by Slyboots
...stop a law that would inform parents when thier daughter had an abortion...
Actually, I am not pro choice!!!! *gasps* Yes, depsite my strong leanings towards liberty and freedom, I do not believe that someone has the right to murder, and I will do everything in my voting power to prevent abortions (except under the most dire of circumstances). If you are under age and are not responsible enough to raise a child, don't have sex. If you do have sex, you must live with your responsibility: the child. Child birth is not like buying a new jacket. You can't just take it back.
You should have signed up, Slyboots, we need more informed voters.