Personally, I couldn't give a rats ass about the Gomery report, it's not like this is the first time that the Canuck gubment has wasted taxpayer money and it's certainly not going to be the last time. The only difference is that this time we found out about it.
My biggest complaint with the whole thing is the endless calls by the Conservatives, BQ and now NDP parties for a vote. Martin said their would be a vote 30 days after the final report and I certainly don't want to go vote without all of the facts. So, Mr. Harper, Layton and... er.. the BQ guy shut up and do the jobs you are being paid to do (run the country) and wait until Martin calls the election.
I didn't vote Liberal the last time (NDP) and I won't vote the next time, but I have to admit that they didn't ruin the country.
What I really need is for a KILL button on my phone for the next pollster who calls me and asks about my thoughts on Gomery. Please, we have more important things to worry about.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.