vagina drama
So, I will preface with, that I am going to the dr. tomorrow at 2. But, I am terrified and will bite my nails off til I think I am just looking for encouragment that my cooch isn't going to fall off.
I guess I will start with yesterday, which really starts about 3 days ago...
I started my period and I noticed a spot of irritation on my left upper lip area. That happens sometimes, cause I use pads and sometimes it irritates the skin up there. Well, it started itching lik crazy and was a little red, but I just kept it dry and clean hoping it would just clear up, like it always has. Well...I woke up yesterday and the area where my leg meets my body was swollen and painful, like an infected lymph node which I suspect it is, and the little irritated patch has now sprung little blisters, and it hurts pretty bad.
yes, my first thought is HERPES as well.
the problem being...I have never had outbreaks before. EXcept for one thing...
about 6 years ago, I had a fling (I have only been with 4 people, and 3 were serious relationships) and about 2 or 3 weeks vagina explodes into a million little pussy blisters. I also had a yeast infection at the time. Let me tell you, it is the one and only time I have seriously considered suicide, the pain was unbearable. I didn't have insurance or money at the time, so I went to the county emergency room, where they informed me it was most likely a reaction to the yeast medication I used.
I Have always wondered though...cause it sure sounds like an initial outbreak of herpes to me. But, I have never had an outbreak of anything, until now. So, I never got the blood test for herpes, and I asked the young man I was sleeping with(whom I believe would be honest with me, since he was a friend) if he had them, and he said no. SO, I have no idea where it would have come from if I do, in fact, have herpes. But, I also felt the beginnings of a yeast infection before this period now( I have chronic yeast infections)....and I have read information on the internet, that says in very rare cases the symptoms I am showing can be brought on by yeast infections.
So, needless to say I am terrified. And my Dr. is in surgery all day today so I have to wait to see him. Blah. Thanks for reading :hug:
How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one