You should see the shit people will do for oil. And that stuff can hardly be termed "Forever". I bet someone has died just so that I could burn enough oil to go to work today.
As for diamonds, they are a unique commodity in the economic world. They are reasonably homogeneous, and to an untrained eye, a diamond is a diamond is a diamond. Diamonds can also be very heterogeneous, like the Hope Diamond or other such famous stone.
An average consumer/retailer/wholesaler cannot tell if the daimond you are holding is a Blood Diamond or not. Lasers are used to inscribe identification marks on the collars of gems, but even then, there is an issue of trust. I think that diamonds are getting a bad rap for violence; There is violence (or a potential for) whenever something of value is involved.
If I was to look at all of the injustice in the world that took place so that my life could be a little bit more comfortable, I would go out of my mind.
Even the Vegan, hippie, tree hugging socialist holding the love-in has unknowingly caused suffering in this world. People have died so that the Patchouli incense stick burns evenly...
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.